SATREPS Workshop in Kyoto of “Integrated study on mitigation of multimodal disasters caused by ejection of volcanic products”
Venue: Renkei-Kenkyu-To No.301, Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University
Day 1: October 24, 2016, Time: 10:00AM-5:10PM
1.Greeting from Project Leader ……………….. Masato Iguchi
2.An overview of the SATREPS Project implementation in period of 2014-2016
……………….. Kasbani
3.A method for providing multi-hazard information related to sediment disasters during heavy rainfalls
……………….. Masaharu Fujita
4.Seismic and geodetic preliminary analyses during the short 2015 euptive episode of Semeru volcano and the 2015-2016 non eruptive episode of Guntur Volcano
……………….. Hendra Gunawan
5.Baseline Analysis of GPS Continnes Data in Sinabung, Semeru, Guntur and Galunggung Volcanos Indonesia
……………….. Yoga Era Pamitro
6.Process of magma intrusion and effusion at Sinabung volcano, Indonesia, during the period from 2013 to 2016, as revealed from continuous GNSS observation data
……………….. Kohei Hotta
7.Growth process of the lava dome/flow complex during 2013-2016 at Sinabung Volcano, North Sumatra, Indonesia
……………….. Setsuya Nakada
8.Historical development and recent status of the ground deformation at Merapi volcano Java Indonesia
……………….. I Gusti Made Agung Nandaka
9.Combination Model of Spherical Source and Block Movement for Asymmetric Ground Deformation Prior to The Eruptions in 2006 and 2010 at Merapi Volcano
……………….. Nurnaning Aisyah
10.Volume of pyroclastic flow forecasted by precursory seismicity of Merapi volcano
……………….. Masato Iguchi
11.Seismic velocity variation associated with the large 2010 eruption of Merapi Volcano
……………….. Agus Budi Santoso
12.Volcanic earthquake activity analysis and eruption imminent evaluation system using seismic data
……………….. Haruhisa Nakamichi
13.Rainfall characteristics on the southern flank of Mt. Merapi in Indonesia
……………….. Yutaka Gonda
14.Radar Information at Mt. Merapi Area and Varius Water & Sediment-related Disasters – Case of 18 June 2016
……………….. Rachmad Jayadi
15.Temporal change of infiltration characteristics of volcanic ash layer and its effect on rainfall-runoff processes
……………….. Shusuke Miyata
16.Real-time lahar hazard map generation using X-MP radar forecast products in Merapi volcano
……………….. Ratih Indri Hapsari
17.A Dynamic Hazard Level Assessment of Lahar In Mount Merapi
……………….. Magfira Syarifuddin
Day 2: October 25, 2016, Time: 9:00AM-5:00PM
18.Integration of monitoring data analysis for volcanic hazard assessment
……………….. Gede Suantika
19.Examination of characteristics of tilt records associated with volcanic eruption at Sakurajima for development of a prediction model for discharge rate of volcanic eruptions
……………….. Takeshi Nishimura
20.Spectral ratio analyses of explosion earthquakes at Sakurajima
……………….. Mohammad Hasib
21.Study on behavior of debris flows containing fine sediment from volcanic region
……………….. Kana Nakatani
22.Sensitivity Analysis of Lahar Flow Simulation as Affected by DEM Resolutions – Case of Kali Putih, Mt. Merapi Area
……………….. Adi Putri Anisa Widowati
23.The Mineralogy of Lahars Deposits in Wlingi reservoir and its Role in Controlling Flushing Efficiency
……………….. Dian Sisinggih
24.An example of pyroclastic flow hazard mapping at Mt. Merapi by using numerical simulation
……………….. Kuniaki Miyanomto
25.Cloud Networks – System, Types and their Management
……………….. Dicky Hadiyuwono
26.Progress of development of simulation and observation Integrated database system
……………….. Makoto Shimomura
27.Utilization of X-band radar information for lahar Early Warning System (EWS) at Mount Merapi
……………….. Arif R. Mulyana
28.Installation of Volcanic Ash Dispersion PUFF Model to BMKG Indonesia
……………….. Kurniaji
29.Determination of the mass eruption rate for the 2014 Mount Kelud eruption using three-dimensional numerical simulations of volcanic plumes
……………….. Yujiro Suzuki
30.Comparison of Volcanic Ash Dipersion Using PUFF Model with RGB image from Himawari-8 Data
……………….. Andersen Panjaitan
31.Three-dimensional view of volcanic ash clouds based on weather radar data
……………….. Masayuki Maki
32.Development of Estimating Method for Volcanic Tephra Volume by Meteorological Radar
……………….. Satoru Oishi
33.Satreps, from Yogyakarta to National: seed for National-wide implementation
……………….. Dwi Kristianto
34. Discussion
35. Closing Remark ……………….. Kasbani
Day 3 & 4: October 26-27, 2016 Field Trip to Sakurajima Volcano